Based in Yakima, Washington, Hoover Elementary School serves over 600 students K-5th grade. One of the school’s goals is to make Hoover a community school. This means that the school uses a holistic approach to meeting the academic, behavioral, social, and emotional needs of its students. They do this by extending the school day and offer afterschool programing to students. In fact, they recently acquired a 5 year afterschool program grant. With the Apples4Ed grant, they hope to provide hands-on opportunities to students through a Community Garden at Hoover Elementary. This will further embed the school with the community through a garden where all who are involved can learn from each other and develop bonds that go beyond the classroom walls. It will teach students about fresh produce and get them outside. It will encourage students to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, since studies demonstrate people consume more produce when they take part in gardening. This grant will jumpstart their efforts while they look to community partners to sustain this initiative. Congratulations Hoover Elementary!