Be Apple Nutritious – Apples for Education
Food can be fun, just look at apples. Did you know there are 7,000 apple varieties grown in the U.S. or that Johnny Appleseed was an actual person named Jonathan Chapman? Another fun fact – the nutrient boron found in apples can help improve memory, mental alertness and electrical activity in the brain.

Want resources to help spread the word about healthy eating? Download our Apples4Ed materials for teachers – including posters for classrooms and coloring workbooks for students.

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Enjoy these extra bites of healthy apple facts:  

Packed with Antioxidants

Mounting research suggests powerful antioxidants in apples and apple products play an essential role in reducing risks of prevalent diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Good for Good Gut Bacteria

University of Denmark researchers discovered apple consumption increases the number of good gut bacteria.

Keep the Cardiologist Away

Ohio State University reports eating one apple a day for four weeks lowered blood levels of oxidized LDL, the “bad cholesterol,” by 40%.

Bone Health

A study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests older women who eat plenty of fruits (including apples) may have a lower chance of bone fractures.

Healthier Bodies

People who eat apples or apple products are likely to have lower blood pressure and trimmer waistlines.

Immunity Health

Research from the University of Illinois suggests soluble fiber, like pectin from apples, may strengthen the immune system.

Fiber Power

Apples are among the tastiest and best sources of soluble fiber.

Reducing Asthma in Kids

Research from the UK suggests children of mothers who eat apples during pregnancy are much less likely to exhibit symptoms of asthma at age five.

Weight Reduction

Researchers from the State University of Rio de Janeiro found that overweight women who eat three apples a day lost more weight on a low calorie diet than women who didn’t add fruit to their diet.

Juice it Up!

A 4 oz. glass of apple juice counts as a serving toward the recommended USDA Dietary Guidelines.

The Skin-ny on Muscle Health

Ursolic acid, a natural compound found in the apple’s skin, may prevent muscle wasting that can result from aging or illness.

Cancer Fighters

Apples are rich in antioxidants, especially quercetin, known to inhibit cancer onset and cell proliferation.



Apples4Ed supports schools with grant funding to bring awareness to healthy eating habits and expose students to a wider variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.


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