Fortis Academy in Houston, Texas Receives Apples4Ed Grant – Apples for Education


HomeUpdatesFortis Academy in Houston, Texas Receives Apples4Ed Grant

Fortis Academy in Houston, Texas Receives Apples4Ed Grant

Fortis Academy in Houston, Texas received an Apples4Ed grant for their work with students navigating difficult times. A vital part of addiction recovery is healthy eating, and Fortis Academy is doing all it can to help its students through healthy food choices. Fortis Academy will be using their Apples4Ed grant to begin a three-program meal pantry that will introduce the students to meal plans, healthy snacking during “Brain Breaks,” and making similar snack kits for weekends and school holidays. Children who are unsure about where their next meal will come from face food insecurity. Addressing food insecurity by empowering them with nutritious food lowers anxiety levels and provides proper nourishment, thus increasing chances of recovery. We wish them the best and are rooting for the Fortis Academy’s students and staff!